
CMBA Blogathon: Come Next Spring (1956) — 17 Comments

  1. Oh, I was so happy to see this film as your choice! I am a big Ann Sheridan fan and her work here is just wonderful. She is always so warm and down to earth and this is a perfect role for her. A lovely film and an excellent review full of wonderful details!

  2. My VHS bootleg is of a very poor type, but even with that drawback your description of the impact of the final scene rings true.

    Thank you so much for the information on Montgomery Pittman (whose name pops up quite often in my TV world) and for highlighting one of the best of the 50s, or any era.

  3. Thanks, all, for your comments!

    Jeff: "wonderful gem of a film, criminally under seen" sums it up beautifully. I'm not sure who owns the rights now — Republic's library has become quite a can of worms over the last 50-plus years — but at least we can be grateful that Come Next Spring has shaken loose as far as Amazon Instant Video. (And just to clarify: Sherry Jackson was the stepdaughter of Monty Pittman, the writer, not Steve Cochran.)

    Kim: Like you, I'm a fan of the so-often-overlooked Ann Sheridan. I do hope you get the chance to see her in this; she's wonderful.

  4. Jim, your posts are always so thorough and full of interesting details. I have never seen Come Next Spring, but it sounds like an interesting film. I'm a fan of Sheridan, so I especially liked your discussion of her career.

  5. This is a wonderful gem of a film, criminally under seen. Thank you for a terrific, detailed review with a ton of background detail (I had no idea that the Cochran character's daughter in this film was his actual stepdaughter, for instance) – and for all those great before-and-after photos of the filming locations.

    It's ridiculous that this film hasn't had a proper DVD release. I don't know who owns the rights to it, but hopefully it ends up in the hands of Warner Archives of some similar entity, so it can finally be treated with the respect it deserves on home video.

  6. Terrific review of a film I love. And thanks so much for the shots of that small town where they filmed.