It’s 1:15 in Columbus as I type this, and the 2010 edition of Cinevent has gone to bed. Monday’s program wrapped it all up with Dancing on a Dime, a pleasant 1940 B-musical from Paramount; 1924’s Lighthouse by the Sea, from the silent heyday of the original Rin Tin Tin; and Sarong Girl, one of striptease star Ann Corio’s Poverty Row efforts to follow her colleague Gypsy Rose Lee into a Hollywood career.
Saturday is usually the biggest and busiest day at Cinevent, when it’s hardest to find a seat in the screening room and the dealers’ rooms are most crowded. You snake your way through the aisles between the tables, catching odds and ends of conversations, gasps of surprise or pleasure, reminiscences, polite dickering and the occasional faintly vinegary whiff of acetate film. On Sunday the dealers and their customers have already begun to trickle out for the trip home. By Monday morning it’s down to a cadre of dedicated Cineventers unwilling to let the weekend come to a close without seeing the very last of it. There’s a valedictory air in the screening room and hallway on Monday, and everyone is already beginning to look forward to next year. Everyone, that is, except the organizers of Cinevent themselves, who no doubt won’t even give a thought to Cinevent 2011 until they’ve had a few months to unwind and decompress from this one.
So off we all go; have a safe trip home, everybody, and we’ll see you next year…