
Minority Opinion: The Magnificent Ambersons, Part 4 — 9 Comments

  1. Really interesting material here. I knew about the disastrous preview, but didn't know what it played with or the later previews.

    I guess it's not called show business for nothing. I still think all the technicians working at RKO during this time must have gone home during these years just agog at what they were doing at work – "Citizen Kane", "All that Money Can Buy", "Magnificent Ambersons". Really something.

    And did they think the work the Lewton unit was doing would be revered discussed sixty and seventy years later?

    I eagerly await Part 5.

  2. Jim,
    Thanks so much for the recommendations. I'll see if I can find a couple on Amazon. I've been reading a lot of books via Kindle but now and then I'll pick up a paperback which I have a backlog of.

    Your 'grain of salt' comment reminded me of Errol Flynn and his official bio My Wicked Wicked Ways. I read another bio on him that followed which disputed most of Errol's recollections, life adventures if you will. Boy, could he exaggerate! Ha Ha

  3. Thanks, R.A., and welcome!

    Page, there are any number of good books on Orson Welles, but if you pinned me down to recommend a single one, I'd vote for Simon Callow's work in progress: The Road to Xanadu, as you might expect, takes Welles from birth through the making of Citizen Kane, while Hello Americans takes him from there through 1948. A third volume covering the rest of Welles's life is promised to come. Barbara Leaming's biography, published the year Welles died, is also valuable because of the extensive cooperation she got from Welles himself; you have to take Welles's recollections with a grain of salt, but Leaming captured pretty much his last word on every subject.

    Kim, as always, I appreciate your patience and hope to reward it!

  4. Jim,
    I'm not sure how I missed the first part of this look back at TMA but I'll go back and read Part 1-3.

    I love behind the scenes info, the goings on behind the camera, both good and bad.

    I've never been a fan of Joseph Cotton (in the minority) but I wonder what Orson's honest opinion was of him.

    I've always been fascinated with Welles and I'd love to read a good bio on him. Is there one in particular you would suggest?

    Boy, how many times have I gone to the theater then wished I could turn in an opinion card afterwards. Instead we give our $10 then walk away afterwards only to share our experience, likes and suggestions with friends. The studios don't care about what we think as long as they promote it enough to fill the seats!

    This was a great post with very interesting details. Like Kim, I'll be looking forward to your next installment. Your work, research here on a film I can see audiences of the day having mixed opinions of is greatly appreciated.
    Have a great weekend!

  5. Yep, it's official now, this series is longer than not only the film but even the book as well. Still, I'm enjoying reading it.