
CMBA Blogathon: Kitty (1945) — 22 Comments

  1. Well, Jim, I have never seen this. I find it odd that you say Goddard's performance here was better than Hepburn's in My Fair Lady, as surely it would have garnered more notice by later critics. Of course, I will have to see this to make a fair comparison. As always, an entertaining and informative post.

  2. Loved your post. I have really come to love Paulette Goddard over the last few years. She is a stunner, and boy, if that smile doesn't get you, well, you must be made of ice. Wouldn't it be fun to see that book filmed as written? Sounds like a Showtime mini-series.

  3. Jim, incredible background detail as always! I haven't seen KITTY in a long time and your review makes me want to check it out again (I think that's the ultimate compliment for a post). I love the photo of the book jacket. Is it from your book collection?

  4. Great post Jim Lane. I haven't seen
    Kitty but I'll look for it now. And I certainly agree with you about Mitchell Leissen's talents. Thanks for writing about this Fabulous Film of the 1940s.

  5. Great post Jim Lane. I haven't seen
    Kitty but I'll look for it now. And I certainly agree with you about Mitchell Leissen's talents, and I've also read Chierichetti's book. Thanks for writing about this Fabulous Forties film.

  6. Ray Milland's instructions on the proper use of a fan makes me giggle just thinking about it.

    Wonderful selection for the blogathon. I was fascinated by your look at "Kitty" and all that goes with the film. I agree that Sturges and Wilder had nothing to gripe about in Leisen's work. What a couple of soreheads!

    PS: Mister Lunceford rules!