
Items from the Scrapbook of Cosmo Brown — 8 Comments

  1. Thanks, all! This little cache of letters and clippings really was an eye-opener for me. GOM, I think you may be on to something. Were you able to deduce the identity of Dora Bailey's informant at Monumental?

  2. Of course, the REAL question is whether the whole thing was a conspiratorial set-up by Monumental Pictures to clear its payroll… BRAVO! splendid 'alternative' history! Brilliant, hilarious post!

  3. Jim, this is the first time I've read, and I'm in love! "Items from the Scrapbook of Cosmo Brown" is a brilliant, wicked, cleverly-constructed piece of satire! Everyone who loves SINGIN' IN THE RAIN should read this. Heck, even everyone who hasn't seen SINGIN'… should read this, though seeing the movie first couldn't hurt! 🙂 Great post!